8 sept 2009

Internet se rompe (un poco más)

¿No era internet un sitio libre, que no conoce fronteras, que está por encima de los medios tradicionales de difusión del conocimiento, la cultura y el entretenimiento?
Dear Spotify user,

We're writing to you in regards to your Spotify account which up
until now you've been using free of charge. While we are really
happy that you are enthusiastically using Spotify, we are
unfortunately going to have to restrict access to your free

Spotify is currently available in six countries: Sweden, Norway,
Finland, Spain, France and the UK. We never intended to allow
use of our service outside of those countries and we do not run
any adverts on your account like we do in the launch countries.
For this reason we have to restrict your account, you will be
able to log in to Spotify and view music and playlists but not
listen to any music.

We are sorry that we have to take this step. We do hope to
launch our free service in more countries in the future.

If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to
contact our support team. (support@spotify.com)

Pues eso, que siguen empeñados en ponerle puertas al campo. Insensatos.

2 comentarios:

Sadi78 dijo...

Vamos, que como en tu país no tienen contrato de publicidad, no puedes escuchar música gratis.

Pues sí, se están luciendo.

gecko dijo...

un poco de spam:

hache te te pe dos puntos barra barra tres uves dobles punto allanonymity punto com barra ip-hider-hide-ip-software

coño! pero si estás en london!!